Information in accordance with Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz, TMG):
Maultaschplatz, n. 4/B
39018 Terlano (BZ)
Contact details:
Tel: +39 0471 1800938
Represented by:
Toralf Goetze (CEO)
Notice regarding EU Dispute Resolution service:
The European Commission operates an Online Dispute Resolu-tion (ODR) platform, which is available at
Limitation of liability:
This website has been created with the utmost of care. How-ever, the provider of this website cannot assume any liability for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-date nature of the content and information provided on said website. Use of the website’s content is at your own risk. No contractual relation-ship will be established between the user and the provider simply by using the website.
This website contains links to other websites (“external links”). These websites are subject to the liability requirements of the respective website operators. No legal breaches were evident at the time the external links were established. The provider does not have any influence over the current or future design of the linked websites. Unless there is specific evidence of le-gal breaches, it is not feasible for the provider to undertake permanent monitoring of external links. The external links in question will be deleted immediately as soon as these legal breaches become known.
Copyright/intellectual property rights:
The content published by the provider on this website is sub-ject to German laws on copyright and intellectual property rights. Any unauthorised use under German laws on copyright and intellectual property rights will require the prior written consent of the provider or the respective copyright holder. This applies in particular to the copying, editing, translation, storing, processing and/or reproduction of content in data-bases or other electronic media and systems. The content and rights of third parties are labelled as such. Any unauthorised copying of website content or the entire website is not permit-ted and is a punishable offence. Only the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is permitted. This website may not be portrayed by third par-ties in Frames or iFrames.
Where the contents of this website were not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties must be observed. Content belonging to third parties must be indicated as such. Nevertheless, please inform us should you become aware of a copyright breach. If legal breaches are found, such content will be immediately removed.
Data protection:
Access information may be stored when you visit this website. Data, such as the time, date, and pages viewed, is not personal data, but is instead anonymised. Such data is only collected for statistical purposes. No such data will be disclosed to third parties for commercial or non-commercial reasons. The pro-vider would like to point out expressly that the transfer of data on the internet (e.g. when communicating via email) can in-volve security risks and cannot be completely protected from being accessed by third parties.
The use of contact details from the “Imprint” section for ad-vertising purposes is expressly not desired, except with the prior written consent of the provider, or if there is an existing business relationship. The provider and all those persons named on this website hereby object to any commercial use or disclosure of their data.