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Water purification

Adsorptive purification of water

Adsorption processes using activated carbon play an important role in water purification. There are various areas of application here.

  • Drug purification in the liquid phase
  • Soil remediation
  • Drinking water treatment

Activated carbon for adsorptive water purification

Depending on the area of application, various activated carbons are used in water purification. We will be happy to advise you!

Extruded activated carbon for adsorptive water purification

NECA|active® lc are highly adsorptive, low-dust extruded activated carbons for water applications. Different requirements are optimally met by graded qualities.

  • For drug purification in the liquid phase
  • For soil decontamination
  • For drinking water purification
  • For aquariums

NECA|active® lc

Extruded activated carbons for water applications, available in various pellet sizes and qualities

Activated carbon granulate for adsorptive water purification and absorptive gas purification

Activated carbon granulates are so-called direct activates, as they are not shaped. The natural form of the granules of stone, coconut or charcoal is used and these are activated directly at over 930°C with steam. A subsequent classification enables the delivery of a specific grain size.

NECA|active® gr activated carbon granulates are versatile and characterized by a high internal surface area and a wide pore spectrum.

  • For drug purification in the liquid phase
  • For water purification
  • For gas cleaning

NECA|active® gr

Activated carbon granulates in various grain sizes and qualities