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Technically added odorants in natural gas.

Activated carbon analysis

Analysis of activated carbon and loaded activated carbon in our in-house laboratory for quality assurance purposes and the development of new products. Established standard methods are applied here, but test facilities developed in-house are also used.


Methane gas, produced in biogas plants by the digestion of biomass, and which is used to generate electric energy, operate vehicles or feed into gas supply networks.


Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene, aromatic hydrocarbons, including volatile organic compounds (VOC).

Activated carbon

Specially activated porous carbon for the desulphurisation of biogas and for gas purification.

Doped activated carbon

Specially treated activated carbon with improved pore structure for the desulphurisation of biogas and for gas purification.


Digestion of food scraps and green waste.


Removal of sulphur compounds from biogenic and technical gases.


Sulphur compounds.

Activated carbon filters

Technical systems as activated carbon replacement filters and as single or double chamber filters for the desulphurisation of biogas.

Extruded activated carbon

Activated carbon in pellet form for the desulphurisation of biogas and for gas purification.

Landfill gas

Methane gas produced in landfill site as a result of the decomposition of organic substances.

Sewage treatment gas

Methane gas produced in the course of decomposition processes, such as in the digesters of sewage treatment plants.


Chemical hydrocarbon compounds.

Iron hydroxide

Pure, natural or synthetic iron hydroxide as a fine powder for coarse desulphurisation in the fermenter of biogas plants.

Hydrogen sulphide

H2S – toxic and highly corrosive acidic trace gas.


Chemical laboratory for the performance of activated carbon analyses for quality assurance purposes and the development of new products.


Organic, complex sulphur compounds.

Methane, biomethane

CH4 C4 compound, colourless and odourless, combustible gas of fossil origin or from biological processes.


O2 – colourless and odourless gas, which makes up 21 % of the content of air.


O3 molecule made up of three oxygen atoms, also referred to as “active oxygen”, highly aggressive oxidising agent.

PSA, Pressure Swing Adsorption

Physical method used to separate gas under pressure by means of adsorption. In the adsorption process, specific substances from the gas are concentrated on the surface of a solid. Porous materials, such as zeolites or activated carbon, are used as solids.

Iron pellets

Highly amorphous iron oxide in pellet form used to remove hydrogen sulphide from biogenic and technical gases without oxygen.

Iron powder

Pure, natural or synthetic iron hydroxide as a fine powder for coarse desulphurisation in the fermenter of biogas plants.

ISDAC method

In-Situ Doped Activated Carbon, specially treated chemisorptive activated carbon with improved pore structure for the desulphurisation of biogas and for gas purification.

Biogas purification

Removal of harmful trace gases from biogas.

Gas purification

Removal of harmful trace gases from biogenic and technical gases.

Gas cooling

Removal of water from biogenic and technical gas streams by way of cooling. Water is condensed out by cooling the gas.

Solvent recovery

Removal and recovery of solvents from technical gas streams.


Removal of unwanted odorants from technical and biogenic gases.

Gas separation

Separation and extraction of specific substances, such as oxygen, nitrogen, methane, CO2, odorants and mercaptans from gas streams by means of pressure swing adsorption.


Highly abrasive silicon compounds.

Terpenes, limonenes, pinenes

Chemical compounds based on hydrocarbons in the form of terpene alcohols, glycosides, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and esters, mostly of biogenic origin, such as essential oils.


Solvents for colours, paints and adhesives.

Relative gas humidity

Water content of gases in proportion to capacity, temperature and pressure.


Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons (VHHC)

Volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons (VCHC)

Volatile fluorinated hydrocarbons (VFHC)


Volatile Organic Compound(s)


Synthetically produced microporous solids, alkaline, potassium-based or sodium-based. Can be used effectively in a variety of applications thanks to their specific geometric shapes and homogeneous pore structure available in different sizes: used for the separation and extraction of oxygen, nitrogen, methane and CO2, the removal of odorants and mercaptans and the drying of gases.